
Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Umbraco Headless - Optional Images

When you use the Umbraco.Headless.Client on top of an Umbraco Headless instance, you are accessing Umbraco through a REST API. This means your content is serialized (to JSON) on the Umbraco side and deserialized inside the Headless-client.

BUT : I ran into a problem when using optional Images.

First steps

Create a very simple Document Type, with 2 properties.

Create a class in your Visual Studio project that maps to this DocumentType.

using Umbraco.Headless.Client.Net.Models;

namespace Models
    public class Test : ContentItem, IContentBase
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }

Fetch a node that uses this template. The quickest way is to get it via its Id.
Normally, the contentService would be injected, but for simplicity's sake, let's keep it like this.

  var umbracoHeadlessUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[umbracoHeadless:url];
  var contentService =  new PublishedContentService(umbracoHeadlessUrl);

  var testNode = await contentService.GetById<Test>(id);

The resulting JSON looks like this :

    "Title": "Title 1",
    "Description": "<p>A very long description.</p>",
    "id": "1940908b-460c-47dd-825a-010381a57abd",
    "parentId": "7a0e6214-7802-4130-b77c-0965148b0a33",
    "name": "Test",
    "path": null,
    "contentTypeAlias": "test",
    "createDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "updateDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "url": null,
    "writerName": null,
    "creatorName": null,
    "properties": null,
    "_links": null

Adding an Image

Add a property to your template using datatype MediaPicker.
Add a property to your Test-class of type Image. I'm only interested in the Url-property of this image, so that's the only one I created.

public class Image
    public string Url { get; set; }
public class Test : ContentItem, IContentBase
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public Image Image { get; set; }

When I leave the Image-property empty in Umbraco and run my changes, I get the following error:

Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type 'Models.Image' 
because the type requires a JSON object (e.g. {\"name\":\"value\"}) to deserialize correctly.
To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON object (e.g. {\"name\":\"value\"}) or change the deserialized 
type to an array or a type that implements a collection interface (e.g. ICollection, IList) like List<T> 
that can be deserialized from a JSON array.

The reason for this error, is that the JSON for the empty image is

    "image": [],

which would require your property to become a List<Image> instead.
However, if you put something in the Image property, the JSON comes out as

    "image": {
        "writerName": "Jeroen Vantroyen",
        "creatorName": "",
        "writerId": 1,
        "creatorId": 1,
        "urlName": "question",
        "url": "/media/1001/images.png",
        //truncated for brevity

So, when left empty, it's an (empty) array. When filled in, it's a simple JSON object.
How to fix this?

JsonConvertor to the rescue

The solution is simple and elegant, using a JsonConvertor, which can handle both arrays and single objects.
I do not take credit for the solution below, but will save you the hunt for the code.

    public class SingleOrArrayConverter<T> : JsonConverter
        public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
            return (objectType == typeof(List<T>));

        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            JToken token = JToken.Load(reader);
            if (token.Type == JTokenType.Array)
                return token.ToObject<List<T>>();
            return new List<T> { token.ToObject<T>() };

        public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
            List<T> list = (List<T>)value;
            if (list.Count == 1)
                value = list[0];
            serializer.Serialize(writer, value);

        public override bool CanWrite
            get { return true; }

To use this, I modify my test-class one last time.

public class Test : ContentItem, IContentBase
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }

    public List<Image> Image { get; set; }

To use an instance of this class, I would resort to Image.FirstOrDefault().

Umbraco Headless - MultiLingual with Vorto

You want to fully embrace the advantages offered by Vorto inside your Umbraco solution. Unfortunately, the current Umbraco Headless béta does not include it out of the box (yet!).
Let's install it ourselves.


New to Umbraco or living under a rock? Vorto is a nice, little module, that transforms your text-properties into multi-lingual text properties.

Yes, Umbraco 8 will make it obsolete as it will have a built-in mechaniscm for multi-language. Since we're not there yet, let's just carry on.

If your past solution to multi-language was to create TWO properties for each and every text-field (one English, one Spanish, for example), it's not only annoying to maintain and keep track, but it's a nightmare when the customer suddenly decides to add a 3rd language, and a 4th ...

To take advantage of Vorto, all you have to do is :
  • Install it. (see below)
  • Add one or more datatypes in the Developer-section (e.g. one for Textstring, one for Richtext editor).
  • Define properties in your document types with this datatype.

When used on a normal TextString it looks like below. Easy tabs to switch language. Checkmarks indicate which languages have a value.

It automatically grabs all defined languages, but you can override this behaviour, set the default language ...  Just go read about it here.

Normal Installation

For on-premise Umbraco or Umbraco Cloud, you could install this as a nuget-package. If you do not have any custom code, you can download the package and install it in the Umbraco backend.

Install-Package Our.Umbraco.Vorto

The installation contains plugin-files and a dll, so no database-changes.
  • App_Plugins/Vorto/css/vorto.css
  • App_Plugins/Vorto/js/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js
  • App_Plugins/Vorto/js/vorto.js
  • App_Plugins/Vorto/views/vorto.html
  • App_Plugins/Vorto/views/vorto.languagePicker.html
  • App_Plugins/Vorto/views/vorto.languageSourceRadioList.html
  • App_Plugins/Vorto/views/vorto.mandatoryBehaviousPicker.html
  • App_Plugins/Vorto/views/vorto.poropertyEditorPicker.html
  • App_Plugins/Vorto/views/vorto.rtlBehaviourPicker.html
  • bin/Our.Umbraco.Vorto.dll

Umbraco Headless installation

We were as good as assured by Niels Hartvig (founder and CEO @ Umbraco) that Vorto would become part of Umbraco Headless, but it wasn't just yet.

So, if it's so easy to install, why am I writing about it?
Well, Umbraco Headless doesn't provide the option to install packages, nor does it allow you access to the repository.

If this last mention of the repository doesn't mean anything to you, I'd suggest reading up on how Umbraco Cloud handles deployment. In a nutshell : once your Umbraco Cloud installation is done for you, you get access to the git repository. Commit something on it and it gets deployed to your website.

So, how DO you deploy Vorto?

Access the git repository

In a normal Umbraco Cloud project, you can go to<your-project-name>, right-click an environment and go to "Power tools (Kudu)".

In Umbraco Headless, this option is removed, but you can still manually go to https://<your-project-name>

From there, go to Source control info and copy the Git-url.

Clone and commit

Clone the repository locally, add the files required for Vorto (see above) and commit/push them back to the repository.

You will have to restart your environment (again from the project management page) for the changes to be picked up.

And you're good to go.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Umbraco Headless - performance fix

Umbraco headless (currently in béta) looks very promising for a multi-platform approach. No fuss, just content. Under heavy load, however, it - or SOMEthing at least - buckled, so here's how we found and solved the problem. (Until the next version arrives with a definitive fix)

Starting Headless

Having done a couple of projects in Umbraco Cloud, we were itching to try out Umbraco Headless (currently in béta). An opportunity presented itself in a small project - fully React - with a moderate amount of content to manage.

Spinning up a test-instance was fast and easy, but for some reason, you can't add one to your existing collection of projects. I needed to register with a new email. Probably just part of it being béta.

Once created, you get the same Umbraco backend that you are (or should be) used to, except for some options that have been removed.
Under Settings, there's no Templates, no Partial Views, no Scripts, but that makes sense, as your Umbraco is reduced to a big box of content, no longer worrying about presentation.

I quickly created a few document-types, added some content and wrote an API on top of that (hosted in Azure), using the Umbraco.Headless.Client (.Net Framework, in my case). Using the client is rather straightforward, as you're usually just fetching one item or a list of children/descendants.

You could do without this extra API layer in between, but I do not like to have all business logic in the frontend code. Plus, you get all the advantages of Azure API Management.

Under load

System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request.
---> System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server
---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

However, when the React app neared completion and we started testing, we experienced intermittent hickups in responsetime. When the system started doing 10-20 API-request per second, each in turn doing multiple requests towards Umbraco, requests started to drop out. Delays up to 42 seconds (and always 42!) suggested something timing out.

Another advantage of the extra API layer : Application Insights traced the problem to a Dependency-call towards Umbraco.

The culprit

My initial suspicion was that it would be a resource issue. It's still in béta, so maybe these test-instances were shared on a server, low on resources at certain times?

Turns out it was NOT the Umbraco backend having issues. No errors whatsoever in the logs. I went as far as transferring my content (a nightmare on it's own, as Content Transfer is not supported in Headless) to a regular Umbraco Cloud project (where we know what to expect, resource-wise) and adding the required dll's and config-changes to fake it being Headless. I immediately faced the same issue.

Digging around (i.e. decompiling) the Umbraco Headless client, I saw it used Refit under the hood.

Refit is Open Source, so debugging was easy.
The default implementation - as used by Umbraco - creates a new HttpClient for every request. In .Net Core this is not a problem, but in .Net framework this is a big no-no. There's enough written about the topic already, so I will not reiterate. (e.g. YOU'RE USING HTTPCLIENT WRONG AND IT IS DESTABILIZING YOUR SOFTWARE).

I was in brief contact with someone from Refit, to be told that this is just the default implementation and Refit has overloads allowing you to provide your own HttpClient as you see fit.

The solution

So, you can provide Refit with your own client. Good in theory, if the Umbraco.Headless.Client was open source. (I fully understand why it is not)

The current version of the Headless-client (0.9.7-CI-20180905-01) has no way of being manipulated. I have received confirmation from Umbraco HQ that the next version will create an instance of the HttpClient, which will have the same lifespan as the service, with an option of adding your own HttpClient instance.

In the meantime, what I did was get a copy of Refit (4.6.30) and changed its default implementation to reuse a static HttpClient every time. Build and deployed the new dll and put it in my API-project. All problems disappeared immediately.

Here's what I added, if you're interested. To be absolutely safe, I implemented multiple static clients (one per host you're calling) instead of just the one. If it were a permanent solution, I would probably fiddle with it some more, but it's only needed until the next release of Umbraco.Headless.Client.

private static readonly Dictionary<string, HttpClient> clients = new Dictionary<string, HttpClient>();

private static HttpClient Client(string hostUrl, HttpMessageHandler innerHandler = null)
    HttpClient client;
    if (!clients.TryGetValue(hostUrl, out client))
        client = new HttpClient(innerHandler ?? new HttpClientHandler()) { BaseAddress = new Uri(hostUrl) };
        clients.Add(hostUrl, client);

    return client;

And calling this inside public static T For<T>(string hostUrl, RefitSettings settings)

//Default Refit-implementation
//var client = new HttpClient(innerHandler ?? new HttpClientHandler()) { BaseAddress = new Uri(hostUrl) };

//Temporary workaround
var client = Client(hostUrl, innerHandler);